Cloves Whole

Item Code: ClovesWhole
Price:  $3.39
Country of Origin - Indonesia - 30g

Cloves Whole

Item Code: ClovesWhole
Price:  $3.39
Country of Origin - Indonesia - 30g


Cloves are dried unopened flower buds of tropical evergreen trees native to Indonesia. They are a very pungent, aromatic spice and because of their intensity should be used sparingly. Cloves are used to impart flavour during cooking but should be removed from dishes prior to serving as they retain their hard woody texture. Throughout the ages they have been used to preserve, flavour, and garnish foods. They been used for centuries as a breath freshener. Cloves are used extensively in Indian, Chinese, and Arabic cuisine.

Uses & Ideas 

Cloves are used to stud baked festive hams and decorative oranges.

Add to apple pies, pumpkin pies, pear tarts, grilled stone fruits, pickles, mulled wines or when grilling bacon.

Use with zucchini, okra, tomatoes, beetroot, onions, and cabbage.

Braised Cabbage - Braise 1 finely sliced red or white cabbage in olive oil with 2 finely sliced red onion, 2 grated apples, 6 cloves, 1 pinch nutmeg, 1 tbsp red currant jelly, 1 tbsp red wine vinegar and 1 tbsp of butter; braise at low temperature for 60 minutes (stir occasionally). Add salt, pepper, serve with roast duck, quail, pork, or ham.

Masala Jhinga (Goan Spiced Prawns) – Marinate peeled prawns, ground ginger, coriander, turmeric, garlic puree, and lime juice for 15 minutes. Dry fry cloves, cardamom, and aniseeds till warmed. Add chopped onion, tomatoes, chilli flakes and water. Cook for a few minutes, top with coriander leaves.