Nigella Seeds

Item Code: NigellaSeeds
Price:  $3.39
Country of Origin - India - 50g

Nigella Seeds

Item Code: NigellaSeeds
Price:  $3.39
Country of Origin - India - 50g


Nigella (or Kalonji in Hindi) is native to Western Asia and has been used throughout history both medicinally and in cooking since the period of the Ancient Egyptians. A member of the buttercup family, Nigella is often incorrectly referred to as black onion seeds. Confusion further arises as Nigella is also known as black cumin, black caraway and Roman coriander.   
The seeds have a subtle herbaceous and peppery aroma but the earthy nut like taste flavour ramps up when the seeds are cooked.

Uses & Ideas 

Combine nigella seeds, whipped feta, crème fraiche, chopped capers, chives, and lemon juice. Spread over toasted sourdough. 
Sprinkle over these (easy entertaining) blended dips:
- Roast sweet potato, Moroccan spices, chives, and EV olive oil 
- Black hummus, chickpeas, black tahini, cumin, lemon juice, top with pomegranate and nigella 
- Roast beetroot and garlic, yoghurt, cumin, coriander, pepper, and EV olive oil.      
Sashimi/Crudo – Coat thin slices of tuna or kingfish with lemon juice, orange zest, EV olive oil, salt, pepper, chopped chives and toasted nigella seeds.  
Potatoes with Nigella Seeds (Kalonji Aloo) - Peel and cube 500g potatoes into small bite sized pieces. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a saucepan. Slow fry (temper) 1 ½ tbsp nigella seeds for a minute. Add ½ tsp turmeric powder, ½ tsp chili powder, and ½ tsp red chili flakes. Combine with the potatoes and add a little water. Cover and cook on low flame, (add more water as required) stirring occasionally until the potatoes are cooked.